Pastor Appreciation Day/Dinner
Sunday, October 22 at 10:30 AM – 2 PM
We invite you to join us as we
Celebrate & Honor Pastor N. R. Taylor, Jr. and his wife Sarah.
Immediately following the morning service in the fellowship hall. Please bring a couple of covered dishes to serve 10-12 people. The church will provide plates, utensils, and drinks. Come and bring a friend for a great time of good food and fellowship as we thank God for blessing our church family with Pastor N.R. and Sarah.
Celebrate & Honor Pastor N. R. Taylor, Jr. and his wife Sarah.
Immediately following the morning service in the fellowship hall. Please bring a couple of covered dishes to serve 10-12 people. The church will provide plates, utensils, and drinks. Come and bring a friend for a great time of good food and fellowship as we thank God for blessing our church family with Pastor N.R. and Sarah.
Cards and gifts are welcome!

Family Fun Day 2017
Family Fun Day is Sunday, September 17, 2017! Invite everyone! More information here:

Celebrating Women – Sunday!

Mother’s Day Sunday – Celebrating all Women at Voice of Praise Worship Center